
Letter from France

I checked my website and could confirm that it was almost six months since I posted my last letter, triggered by the passage of my father. I have since been busy with my studies and my life, and time simply passes by. In the time in between, I have actually written or required to write…


Letter from Toronto

Everyone I have met in Toronto so far said that I had brought the Hong Kong sun with me. It was cool and breezy the week before and the latest weather forecast promised a cooler week ahead. But this week has been phenomenal: hot, humid and high UV index. It was 36 degrees in the…


Out of Los Angeles

It was unusual, and certainly the first time since I had retired: for three consecutive days, I found myself going to an airport every morning to catch a flight to another city. I would spare you the details. It was a combination of poor planning, inadequate knowledge on how airlines work and circumstances beyond my…


Out of San Francisco

Stanford Court is a Renaissance hotel on California Street just above Powell, so that if one stands outside the main entrance, one can see the Bay Bridge, on a clear day that is. And it was clear and sunny for the three or four days I was there. Indeed, people I met complained about it…



I have not mentioned my young friend Harry in these letters for a while. What happened was: Harry went back to school to do a Masters or something similar which made him rather busy; then his computer crashed and he was temporarily denied access to the internet. Well, he survived and has been exchanging with…



Last Friday, Catholics celebrated the feast day of St Mary Magdalene. This is the lady who is mentioned in all four Gospels as being among the women of Galilee who followed Jesus and His disciples, who was present at His Crucifixion and Burial, and who went to the tomb on Easter Sunday to anoint His…