We Must Support Chief Executive Carrie Lam

Chief Executive Carrie Lam announced at her press conference last Friday 31 July 2020 her Government’s decision to postpone by one year the Legislative Council election scheduled for September 2020. The next day, Alex Lo wrote an open letter to her in SCMP in support of the decision and urge her to take courage, for the sake of her city and her country. Let me add to his observation that we owe it to ourselves and our next generations to offer our wholehearted support in spirit and in form to the Chief Executive and her Government for this thoroughly justified and justifiable move.

The knee-jerk responses from America, UK and countries who were once friends and allies are very much expected and despicable and not worth the paper they are written on. There is none so worse than the one from America whose President had only just signaled his desire to delay the presidential election scheduled for November. Mrs. Lam’s decision is sound and thoroughly justified on grounds of public health, as was amply illustrated by statistics from Singapore which had registered 6,000 new cases of infection following the general election. What more evidence and justification do we need?

Even past Legislative Councilor Frederick Fung Kim Kay has seen it fit to make known his views on the hypocrisy of the Americans when Pompeo called for his Western allies to impose sanctions on China as a response to the new national security laws for Hong Kong introduced on 1 July 2020, and to have made such calls at none other than the Nixon Library, a calculated move to tell the whole world that Nixon’s policy to join force with China was misguided.

We can expect to receive a continuing barrage of criticisms from left, right and centre, all unjustifiable, unjust and misguided, against China and the new national security laws. Our stronghold is China. In one stroke, China has saved Hong Kong from falling over the cliff and the disgrace the Government and the faithful and obedient in Hong Kong have been subjected to in the past year. From Taiwan, a broadcaster has warned on YouTube the dire consequences for those advocating independence for the island, urging them to look around where those people in Hong Kong who once advocated independence have gone since 1 July 2020.

Yes, Hong Kong has reached the point of no return; and we can only go forward from here. I urge everyone in Hong Kong to support Carrie Lam’s Government whole-heartedly in general and to make use of the year ahead to prepare for the next Legislative Council election in particular. I urge the Chief Executive in particular to have faith that there are sufficient people in Hong Kong who are of sound mind and who would support her Government in all reasonable and sound policies for the long term good of the city and China. The Chief Executive must stand firm, knowing that the sensible in Hong Kong are behind her. She must stand firm in the wake of all unreasonable criticisms from every quarter and fight back with strongly worded statements. She must call a spade a spade, and stop calling rioters and mobs as social activists or demonstrators. After all, Hong Kong is not for the faint-hearted.

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