My Book Launch

I sent the blueprint of my first autobiography to the printer shortly after Christmas. The printer said I could expect the copies to be ready in about two weeks. After a week, Su began inviting friends through the social media to place orders. I am not good with marketing, and I feel embarrassed to push…

My 2020 Year Ender

By now we must have heard this said and seen this written in one form or other more than a few times: This has been a difficult and troubling year. And so it was and must have been. As such, let it be another fitting reminder of the impermanence of life and that all things,…

Living with the Pandemic

Just as we are beginning to see the benefits from the national security law as businesses return to normal and law abiding people being able to conduct their daily lives without fear from perpetrators of disruption and violence, the pandemic spiked again and hit us with renewed vigor, with new highs reported every day for…

On Healing

The latest issue of TIME dated 23 November is all about the 2020 US Election with “A Time to Heal” as cover title and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on the cover. The Editor-in-Chief and CEO said his colleagues had begun planning for the story since early last year through in-depth profiles and interviews with…

My Autobiography

I have been talking about writing an autobiography for some time; and I think I wrote about this in my blog a couple of times. I have finally done it in ten chapters totaling more than a whopping 150,000 words, to which would be added an introduction and additional pages on acknowledgements and postscript together…

More on Hope

In the past week, we can’t go anywhere without listening to progress or the lack of it, on the 2020 US Election. It is open knowledge that both parties had begun to develop strategies for the Election as soon as Trump took his Presidential Oath in January 2017 if not earlier. In the four years…